Monday, November 27, 2006

Soap to feature transgender character

"NEW YORK (AP) — In a story unusual even for a soap opera and believed to be a television first, ABC's All My Children this week will introduce a transgender character who is beginning to make the transition from a man into a woman.

The character, a flamboyant rock star known as Zarf, kisses the lesbian character Bianca and much drama ensues. The storyline begins with Thursday's episode of the daytime drama...."

Friday, November 24, 2006

Find a place to live: A Yahoo group.

Here's a Yahoo group "created for the purpose of finding transgender friendly rooms, apartments and housing. This group also contains some resources supporting those in the transgender community.

This group is not meant to be a social group or dating group. The goal of the group is to be a "Bulletin Board" group for local roommate rental ads and transgender news.

This group is the main group of a series of more than 100 groups supporting the transgender community. Other groups in the series can be found in the links section of this group. Many of the other groups have local resources added to each group including transition resources...and other local Yahoo TG group links."

Thursday, November 23, 2006

wild turkey family


Have a relaxing and healthy Thanksgiving holiday!

The Transgender Day of Remembrance...

"...was set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The event is held in November to honor Rita Hester, whose murder in 1998 kicked off the “Remembering Our Dead” web project and a San Francisco candlelight vigil in 1999. Since then, the event has grown to encompass memorials in dozens of cities across the world."

Many thanks to Gwendolyn Ann Smith who developed and maintains the "Remembrance" site.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Being transgender no longer about surgery in NY

"Jay Kallio knew at age 4. For Justine Nicholas, the revelation came in kindergarten. Nature had dealt them a confusing anatomy. The genders they were assigned at birth were all wrong.

Now New York City is helping transgender people assume their true identities, proposing changes in the law so they can change the sex on their birth certificates without sex reassignment surgery.

As adults, Jay and Justine have made the transition and live as the other sex, but Jay cannot have the operation for medical reasons. Justine wants to have hers in two years.

The change will allow transgender people to acquire identity documents such as passports that match the way they live. Perhaps just as importantly, official recognition can help a small, stigmatized minority achieve personal and public acceptance.

The proposal goes before the board of health in December."

Is this the direction for the future? Watch to see if other major cities follow with similar proposals.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Gender-bending boy fruit flies fight like girls

"In a study that sheds light on the biology of aggression, scientists swapped genes in gender-bending fruit flies to make boys fight like girls and girls fight like boys."

Here's more evidence behavior, at least in part, is a function of genetic endowment.

Friday, November 17, 2006

greens and stones

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A case of serious regrets: MTFTM

This is a transcript of an interview with Alan Finch, an "Australian Story" from 2003, where he discusses his dissatisfaction with MTF transition and the genital surgery he obtained in his early 20s. He has now returned to a masculine gender role and hopes to have partial reconstruction surgery to approximate his former physical appearance.

the fifth estate: BECOMING AYDEN

"Changing sex. Not simple, not well understood, not consistently regulated, but here to stay and getting complicated. One Canadian clinic is carrying out 250 sex reassignments per year.

Women and men of all ages believe that identity is not as simple as what kind of genitalia they happen to be born with. In order to find their true identity, they're prepared to undergo major surgery-which can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and is most often irreversible."

A Canadian television (2004) story about a young FTM's transition...and more.

FTM Passing Tips Andy and many others

Saturday, November 11, 2006

canal grande venezia

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Transgender Ad from Italy

The concept of being transgendered is found around the planet and in a variety of forms.

Friday, November 10, 2006

zion national park

Changing Parties—and Sexes—in Utah

"Can a Democrat (who use to be a Republican) and a woman (who used to be a man) win a legislative seat in one of the most conservative states in the nation?

As a man, Jennifer Lee Jackson once served as a Republican city council member in Sandy City, Utah and was even an official in the Mormon church.

She's now become a woman, switched political parties and is running for a seat in the State Senate. Jenny Brundin of member station KUER in Salt Lake City reports on the personal and political journey of an unlikely politician."

Here's a life with plenty of struggles and challenges...and lots of NPR story and interview in two parts.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hawaiian's win makes transgender history

"A Hawaii woman won a seat on the state Board of Education and, according to national advocacy groups, a place in history as the nation's highest-ranking transgender elected official.

Kim Coco Iwamoto, a 38-year-old attorney, did not tout her gender status in the campaign but has advocated for transgender youth and related issues. She came in third Tuesday in the competition for three seats on the 14-member board, which governs the islands' 285 public schools."

Her web site:

maui sunset

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Really Changing Sex

Alice Dreger, Ph.D., a professional who works in bioethics and sexology, especially intersex issues, comments on yesterday's story on a proposed plan by New York City officals to make changing gender easier. Also, see her web site:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New York Plans to Make Gender Personal Choice

In the news: The New York Times, 7 November 2006.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

U. S. States and Canadian Provinces: Changing Name and Sex on Birth Certificate

The information on this topic was gathered thanks to Becky Allison, M.D. ( Since the information is open to change she cannot guarantee its accuracy. If there is an error or omission please let her know so it can be corrected.