Sunday, July 06, 2008
The Transformation
Artist Adrian L. Acosta transforms himself into Amnesia Sparkles for the 2nd half of the photo shoot part of "1/2 Man, 1/2 Woman" where he's photographed himself as a man and as a woman. . .
. . .gender as perfomance.
Dörchen Richter (1891 - 1933) waiter, cook, maid.
4 July 2008
The world's very first surgical transsexual.
Rudolph Richter was born in the Erzgebirge region of Germany. Dörchen or Dora attempted to tourniquet her penis at age 6. She expressed a strong dislike of male clothing, and was permitted to live as female.
She worked as a waiter or a cook in the fancy hotels in Berlin in the summer, and lived as a woman in the off-season. The police arrested her several times for cross-dressing, and she was sent to a male prison. Eventually a judge took pity on her and referred her to Magnus Hirschfeld who helped her obtain an official permit to dress in women’s clothes. . . .Read More
Time to give 'third sex' its legal rights
Two years ago, a bearded Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy — viewed by their neighbours as a happy couple deeply in love — explored the idea of becoming parents after a decade-long conjugal life. Thomas, a transgender, got pregnant and has just delivered a ‘beautiful baby girl’.
Irrespective of whether the baby will call him ‘papa’ or ‘mama’, the event signals a revolution in social, political and legal thinking in countries where transgenders have significant population. Thomas is aware of this and admits that his pregnancy ‘‘sparks legal, political and social unknowns’’.
It sure does, especially in India, which is home to nearly 10 lakh transgenders — known as ‘hijras’, ‘kothis’ and other local epithets — who live asymmetrically within society. They are accepted as part of society yet refused many a legal right.
It is difficult to fathom public reaction to the audacious adventure of Thomas and Nancy in India, which recently saw a TV programme, Ipadikku Rose , hosted by a transgender — for, same-sex marriages, or those between transgenders, are still illegal. . . .Read More
Transgender Advocates Rally for Obama
Dear Fellow Transgender Advocate,
This year we have an opportunity to elect a President who will be the most transgender-supportive in history.
But electing a candidate isn't enough just by itself. Unless we're visibly and vocally involved with campaigns and giving our time, energy, money, and ideas we will miss out on an opportunity to create a relationship with a President who has already said he's willing to stand with us. That is why we are asking you to join with us in supporting Barack Obama.
We've set up a specific page to track donations from the transgender community and our allies to Sen. Obama's campaign. You can donate by clicking here:
In both the United States and Illinois Senate, Barack Obama has a long commitment to supporting the LGBT community—and specifically the transgender community. Most recently, here is what he said when issuing his statement on Pride month:
"It's time to live up to our founding promise of equality by treating all our citizens with dignity and respect. Let's enact federal civil rights legislation to outlaw hate crimes and protect workers against discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. . .
"We are ready to accomplish these goals because of the courage and persistence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who have been working every day to achieve equal rights. The gay couple who demand equal treatment in our family laws as they raise their children; the lesbian soldier who wants nothing more than to serve her country openly and honestly; the transgender workers who ask for the simple dignity of being judged by the quality of their work. Generations of LGBT Americans, at once ordinary and extraordinary, have made possible this moment in our history. With leadership and hard work, we can fulfill the promise of equality for all."
--Sen. Barack Obama
June 6, 2008 . . .Read More