Sunday, September 21, 2008

My transition so far - University and Residence Part 1

By this time I'd left home and the farm and moved to the big city to live with my brother because my parents didn't want me with them, and they moved to Torquay anyway. So yeah, everything was new to a naive farmgirl like me.

Trans U comes to CU

Groups discusses transgender issues on campus

Sam Dieter
September 20, 2008

An audience of about 40 people gathered in the Dennis Small Cultural Center in the UMC Friday for "Trans U: an Introduction to Transgender Issues on Campus." 

The presentation was sponsored by the Vice Chancellor's Office of Student Affairs, the GLBT resource center and The Community Health resource center.

"I want people to understand what transgender is, what are the barriers that transgender people face and how everybody is responsible for improving how it feels for people who are different," said trainer and lead speaker Samuel Lurie.

During Lurie's presentation, he said transgender is an "umbrella term for (a) wide range of people who challenge or don't fit social norms of gender expression."

The term transsexual refers to a person who "specifically desires to live full-time in the chosen gender that matches their internal gender identity," Lurie said. Individuals in this group must often make use of medical interventions, social and legal changes.
. . .Read More

Teen transgender launches pop star career

 on September 21, 2008

''I know that because of my past people will always bring up the subject, I can't get away from it. But I hope that one day I might be better known for my music than for my past.'' . . .Read More

200 discuss high school for gay, lesbian, transgender youth in Chicago

CPS chief Arne Duncan expected to decide fate by Oct. 1

| Chicago Tribune reporter

Transsexual wins lawsuit against Library of Congress

September 19, 2008

by Bill Mears 

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A former Army commander who underwent a sex change operation was discriminated against by the U.S. government, a federal judge ruled Friday in an important victory for transgenders claiming bias in the workplace.

Diane Schroer won her federal lawsuit against the Library of Congress after officials backed out of a 2005 job offer when told of her intention to become a transsexual. At the time of the job interview for a position as a senior terrorism research analyst, David Schroer was a male. He had been a onetime Army Special Forces commander.

U.S. District Court Judge James Robinson said Schroer's civil rights were violated.

"The evidence established that the Library was enthusiastic about hiring David Schroer -- until she disclosed her transsexuality," Robinson wrote. "The Library revoked the offer when it learned that a man named David intended to become, legally, culturally and physically, a woman named Diane. This was discrimination 'because of ... sex.' "

The judge will later rule on what financial damages Schroer is due. . . .Read More