Thursday, July 31, 2008

GenderVision: Being Transgender (intro)

"Gordene O. MacKenzie, PhD carefully reviews the difference between sex and gender, as well as some of the basics of gender identity and expression. Then, in the program continuation at, Nancy Nangeroni and Gordene interview Grace Sterling Stowell, director of BAGLY , the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. They discuss the services provided by BAGLY, as well as some of the issues that trans youth face. Then Nancy, Grace and Gordene expose some of the most popular myths about transgender people. " NNangeroni

Next GenderVision Installment Covers Pride 2008

July 31, 2008

William Henderson

GenderVision, a television program available on cable access in Beverly, Mass., and in parts of California and New Hampshire, is broadcasting its fourth episode, "Pride," which follows hosts Gordene O. MacKenzie and Nancy Nangeroni as they march and speak with participants in Boston's 2008 Pride parade.

Along their route, they meet, and interview, members of the GLBT Senior Coalition, transgender and youth participants in the parade — asking each what makes Pride "so special to them" — and collect a variety of perspectives from spectators, including Boston Mayor Tom Menino.

In conjunction with this new program, GenderVision is making available for purchase a DVD of its second program, "Being Transgender … Myths & Youth Issues," . . .Read More

Judge: Transgender law repeal will go before the voters

Opponents of referendum appeal the decision

30 July 2008

Janel Davis

A Montgomery County Circuit Court judge is allowing voters to decide if a county law banning discrimination against transgendered people should be repealed.

In a 25-page opinion issued Thursday, Judge Robert A. Greenberg said advocates for the legislation were too late in challenging the signatures collected by Citizens for Responsible Government and certified by the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

On Monday, Equality Maryland, a gay rights advocacy group that is challenging the repeal effort, filed an appeal in the Court of Special Appeals.

‘‘We’re disappointed, but the court concluded that we were right but were too late in filing,” said Jonathan S. Shurberg, an attorney for Equality Maryland. ‘‘If I didn’t think we had a strong chance to win, I wouldn’t recommend to my client that we appeal.” . . .Read More

China's Olympic-sized sex and gender problems

Rounding up and testing female 'gender suspects' while disallowing sex talk to foreigners makes Beijing look like a bad place to be a top female athlete

July 31, 2008

Violet Blue

In a couple weeks, the Olympics begin in China. It's a big country. So big that it manufactures most of the world's sex toys, and was recently host to the world's largest sex toy expo, the Fifth China International Adult Toys and Reproductive Health Exhibition. In 2007, the expo boasted over 30,000 attendees who gawked, poked, squeezed and generally tingled (or cringed) at all the weird and wonderful and wobbly and mystifyingly gender-bending sex gizmos on display.

Next month, something similar is supposed to happen on a more athletic scale: The 2008 Summer Olympics will attract athletes, press and spectators from all over the world. And China's done some pretty weird things to get ready for the fete. Like Beijing shutting down all building sites and many factories to clear the smog after failing air quality tests. And arresting (or sorta-disappearing) the founder of China's pioneer human rights Web site 64Tianwang — the numbers refer to the date of the Tiananmen Square massacre. There's a lot more, like the pre-Olympic clampdown on sex, after-hours bars and adult lifestyle chat. . . .Read More

Transgender rights still unenshrined

31 July 2008

By Carlito Pablo

Raigen D’Angelo recalls playing a low-key role in the transgender-rights movement as a sex-trade worker during the 1990s.

“I did not want my clients to know about me, and if you look at the picture of me on the wall right there,” D’Angelo said in her East Vancouver home, pointing to a framed photo of a sultry-looking woman. “I would probably have been beaten royally by clients if they knew what I was, and I didn’t want my picture on every newspaper as a transwoman.”

More than a decade ago, advocates like Sandra LaFramboise waged a similar campaign to enshrine transgender rights. According to LaFramboise, a former nurse, they even came close to winning a landmark victory during the NDP government of then-premier Glen Clark. . . .Read More

Duped lover kills transsexual with fire extinguisher

31 July 2008

A furious dupe has been accused of murder with a fire extinguisher after discovering a woman who gave him oral sex was born a man.

Allen Ray Andrade allegedly battered Justin Zapata to death in a fury after discovering the truth.

He had believed the partner he picked up online was a woman known as Angie Zapata.

Andrade, 31, now faces several charges, including second-degree murder. . . .Read More