Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Real World Preview - New York Post

The Post's Jarett Wieselman goes behind the scenes and meets the cast of the hit show "Real World: Brooklyn."

Boynton Transsexual on MTV, Town Now That Much Duller

by Eric Barton


If you've been to Boynton Beach, then you're aware that it's best known for being sort of near Delray Beach. But it also apparently had, until recently, at least one transsexual resident, because she's now starring on MTV's The Real World. Katelynn Cusanelli even grew up in Sunrise, which is known for being kind of near a bunch of other places. As we all know, the show simulates real life by finding the most peculiar of us and putting them into one room and then solving our societal problems, like cancer, the AIDS epidemic, and why The Gap isn't cool anymore. . . .Read More

Elton John – Liverpool Echo Arena

by Neil Docking


‘FABULOUS’ is the most obvious adjective with which to describe The Red Piano show.

But perhaps it is also the most appropriate, because this slice of Las Vegas razzamatazz is every bit as flamboyant as Elton John himself.

"A bewildering suicide story on screen depicted an angel being fed honey by an ice–skating bear, a seemingly transsexual figure destroying a wedding cake and then his/her naked figure set on fire (in the most painful of places) while sat on an electric chair."

Neil Docking

Striding onto the stage sporting a sequined jacket flecked with musical notes, Sir Elton was met with a standing ovation before he had even taken his seat at the grand piano set upon a luminous red star.

Giant neon letters spelling out his name were lowered from the rafters, but launching into Benny and the Jets it was his signature piano playing and the musicianship of his band, including longtime collaborators Davey Johnstone on guitar and Nigel Olsson on drums, that seized the audience’s attention.

His range may have diminished but Elton’s voice has definitely retained its power.

And by combining timeless hits with brazen pomp the piano man provides an irresistible spectacle. . . .Read More

A ‘World’ of difference

by Heidi Patalano

January 7, 2009

MTV changes the game for the mother of all ‘Real’ shows.

To say that “The Real World” has a tarnished reputation is an under-statement.

After 20 seasons, the MTV reality show that once captured the real lives of seven interesting young people has devolved into one giant petri dish for bratty, alcohol-infused debauchery. Praise be to a renewed sense of decency, as the producers have seemingly recognized the downward trend by getting back to the roots of the program with “The Real World: Brooklyn.”

With the lack of a contrived business endeavor or group project for the cast members to run this season, it’s clear that the lives of these seven will create enough fodder for drama on their own. The diverse group includes the first transsexual cast member to the program, a self-described “punk rock Mormon,” a dolphin trainer and a soldier who guarded Saddam Hussein during his trial. Throughout the show, each was followed independently as they pursued their own goals — a format that hasn’t been used in the show since season four, “The Real World: London” in 1994.

But don’t be fooled into thinking there won’t be a bit of the sleaze-o angle we all know (and begrudgingly love).

Never a show to play down the sexual element, the bathroom in the remote Red Hook apartment is furnished with three showers facing each other with only a central bit of fogged glass for modesty. . . .Read More