Saturday, December 29, 2007

Deportista renuncia a su carrera para convertirse en hombre

Female Olympic pole vaulter to become a man

buschbaum.jpgOlympic pole vaulter Yvonne Buschbaum, who finished sixth in 2000, has said on her Web site that she is beginning the process to become a man.

“I feel as if I am a man and have to live my life in the body of a woman,” Buschbaum said in a statement on her Web site, according to AOL Sports blog FanHouse. “I am aware of the fact that transsexuality is a fringe issue, and I do not want to be responsible for it remaining on the fringe.” . . .

Pakistan: Govt grants no special representation to eunuchs in assemblies


* Around 1.5 million eunuchs in the country
* APEA says eunuchs harassed at men’s election booths
* NADRA spokesman says providing special treatment to eunuchs could ‘create trouble’ for others

By Hasan Ali

LAHORE: The government has not fulfilled the demands of eunuchs to register them as a third sex and to reserve seats in the national and provincial assemblies of the country. This is not fair to many members of the community, the All Pakistan Eunuchs Association (APEA) told Daily Times on Tuesday.

APEA also said that there are around 1.5 million eunuchs living in Pakistan and they are all treated as male voters while most of the eunuchs prefer to be recognised as females. . . .

Challenging Transsexuality?


"Without gender differentiation... There would be no need to reconstruct genitalia to match identity - interests and life-styles [would] not [be] gendered."
– Judith Lorber

The above quotation by sociologist Judith Lorber is an example of the so-called gender-progressive challenge to transsexuality (understood as a process of surgical changes to the body that would transform one’s sex or gender identity). The standard argument goes something like this: Transsexuals are victims of society’s oppressive gender diktat. They mutilate their bodies because gender norms require having ‘the right’ genitalia in order to be a ‘real’ man or a ‘real’ woman. Wearing dresses and high-heels is contingent on having a vagina and breasts; facial hair and tuxedos are only for those with penises and a flat chest. And as good gender-progressives, we all know that these norms are a sham, and that many people with vaginas do ‘masculine’ things and many people with penises do ‘feminine’ things. We are aware of the terror and discrimination faced by these gender non-conformists, and thus, we are tempted to explain away transsexuality as a relic of gender oppression: transsexuals are forced to change their bodies because that is the only way they can construct a socially acceptable gender. They would be subject to shame, prejudice and violence if they did not change their bodies to conform fully to the gender prerogatives they want to enact. Thus, in a world without a tyrannical, binary gender ideology, transsexuality would cease to exist. . . .

Club in transgender dispute now caters to gays

29 December 2007

Brian Powell, Tribune

Anderson’s Fifth Estate, which had a 25-year run as a downtown Scottsdale nightclub and was most recently known for its ban on transgendered patrons, is now a gay dance club.

Club Forbidden opened its doors Friday evening in the same building that once housed the rock, comedy and dance club at 6820 E. Fifth Ave.

Bar owner ends transgendered patron ban
Club slapped with complaint from gay rights group
Scottsdale bar owner fights discrimination claim

“This will be more like a New York nightclub, and I couldn’t do that under Anderson’s Fifth Estate,” owner Tom Anderson said.

Anderson, who recently lifted his ban on transgendered customers and settled a discrimination dispute with transgendered woman Michèle deLaFreniere, said the club’s change is a business — not a political — decision. . . .

OPINION: It looks like Ford Motor Co. is into more than just selling cars -- promoting sex changes

December 28, 2007

The American Family Association, which has called for a boycott of Ford Motor Co. because of their aggressive advocacy for and support of homosexual causes including redefinition of marriage, has brought to light another of Ford's efforts along these lines -- promoting sex changes.

According to an AFA email action alert,
The December 18 edition of The Advocate, a magazine for homosexuals, featured the transgender issue. A transgender is a person appearing or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, as a transsexual or habitual cross-dresser. The Advocate article showed numerous pictures of people who had sex operations to change from male to female, and vice-versus (I'll spare you the details).

Ford Motor Company placed a full page ad for its Volvo brand in the publication.

Ford offers medical benefits to help pay expenses of those who choose to undergo sex change operations.
Ford pays for mental health counseling, hormone therapy, medical visits, and short-term disability after surgical procedures for employees who desire to change their sex. . . .