Re: this week's cover feature by Lauren Smiley ("Girl/Boy Interrupted -- A New Treatment For Transgender Kids Puts Puberty On Hold So That They Won't Develop Into Their Biological Sex"), parents with gender variant children can access a growing number of resources:
A support group for Bay Area parents of gender variant and transgender children, co-sponsored by Children’s Hospital Oakland.
The first Gender Odyssey Family Conference is scheduled for Labor Day weekend in Seattle, Washington. The conference will provide family programming for gender variant or transgender children and adolescents.
TransYouth Family Advocates is an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the cultural and medical issues facing transgender youth and families.
The PFLAG Transgender Network provides resources for families and produces an online newsletter called eTransParent.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) approved the GnRH blocking treatment for adolescents in its most recent treatment guidelines.
The Gender Identity and Research Society (GIRES) is a UK-based non-profit. Its website includes information on GnRH blocking treatment. Click on “Endocrine Treatment for Adolescents” in the left-hand panel.
The Dimensions Clinic in San Francisco provides medical care for transgender teens.
The Transgender Law Center is a San Francisco-based civil rights organization.
For a list of additional transgender resources, check out the list compiled by ABC News.