Tuesday, February 05, 2008

gender privilege

Legal clinic proposed to address those with gender-related issues

Feb 3, 2008

BALTIMORE - A group of Maryland lawyers hopes to start a legal clinic that would serve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people - underserved groups that advocates say have special legal problems.

When the proposed FreeState Law Project opens this fall, it would be the first of its kind in the state and one of a few in the country, organizers said. . . .Read More

TYFA launches Support/Referral Source for families of gender variant/transgender children ages 3-18

TransYouth Family Advocates, Inc. (TYFA) is proud to announce the launch of TYFA-TALK!

TYFA_TALK is an online support group and referral source for parents, grandparents and guardians negotiating the journey of raising gender variant and transgender children ages 3-18. Members will be able to ask questions, gather information and seek support and referrals from TYFA Board Members and other parents, grandparents and guardians who are also raising gender variant and transgender children. . . .Read More

City passes transgender ordinance

Sun staff writer


Gainesville city commissioners voted 4-3 early Tuesday morning to approve an ordinance protecting the rights of transgender citizens, after listening to more than two hours of comments.

A majority of citizens who spoke during the meeting opposed the ordinance, and several times Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan had to ask the large crowd to quiet down their cheers and jeers. . . .Read More

Dean names three from Boston to Democratic Convention roles



. . . .(Diego) Sanchez, a longtime South End resident, will be the first transgender member of a national convention committee. He is one of a record-setting seven members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community who were chosen. . . .Read More

Dallas clinic’s transgender health services fill need

by John Wright of Dallas Voice


Before endorsing a clinic that provides hormone therapy for transgender people, Maeve O’Connor wanted to do some quality control. . . .Read More

Native American

by Library Coordinator


In honor of American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month in November, we featured a selection of books and movies of GLBT Native American interest. Including both historical and contemporary non-fiction, these books challenge the Western concepts of sex, gender, homosexuality, and identity politics. . . .Read More

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month

Wayne Clews steps back in time


For some, February may be a time for thinking up deliriously romantic shenanigans for Valentine’s Day in an attempt to pump a bit of life into an otherwise flagging relationship. However, for those of a more serious bent, February sees the return of the annual LGBT History Month. . . .Read More

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Transgender: Why Don't We Matter

"Congress once again has determined that transgender people don't matter. That we don't deserve the same rights as everybody else. Let's show them we have a voice."

Best GLBT Books for Kids!

by admin


The GLBT Round Table of the American Library Association has released their first “Rainbow List“, a list of the best books on GLBT issues for children and young adults. The list covers the best books from 2005-2007, both fiction and non-fiction. . . .Read More

Migden secures $300K for SF trans program

by Seth Hemmelgarn


State Senator Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) announced Tuesday, January 29 that's she secured a $300,000 grant from the state's Employment Development Department to assist transgender people in finding work.

Migden made the announcement during an afternoon news conference in front of City Hall that included LGBT community leaders.

Transgender people often face high rates of discrimination, unemployment and under-employment, and poverty. According to a statement from Migden's office, the money will be used to help transgender people hone their interviewing skills, write resumes, and network with others. . . .Read More

Economic forum a big draw

by Peter Clark


As Congress worked on ironing out its economic stimulus package, the San Francisco LGBT Community Center held a daylong workshop Saturday aimed at educating and empowering community members on monetary matters.

More than 150 people attended the event, which included nine seminars on topics ranging from getting out of debt and financial planning to senior housing and legal issues affecting retirement. . . .Read More

Cuba: Transexuality: The Right to Live the Way We Feel

by Mileyda Menéndez and Mayte María Jiménez


Transsexuals are ordinary people who only need society’s recognition of their gender identity, even if their genitals have the opposite sex’s anatomy.

Mayito looks at the noisy line and grabs his teacher’s hand tightly. With the school’s homeroom period just minutes away, no one even suspects how much suffering these first few steps holds for him every single day in his life as a student.

He knows he will have to get into line in the end, a daily humiliation his psyche seems to accept no more than the pain of wearing boy’s clothes and short hair and coping with the prohibition of playing with girls. He must bear the way the others make fun of his gestures, his father’s disapproving stance, the anguished look in his mother’s eyes, and his own feelings of guilt. . . .Read More

Transgender odyssey: Workplace inequity takes teacher from Michigan campus to national stage

by Todd A. Heywood

When Julie Nemecek first told the president of Spring Arbor University that she was transgender and would be assuming her female persona, the president, Nemecek said, was supportive. But in the weeks that followed, the associate professor was subjected to a series of rules that became more and more restrictive. . . .Read More

Transsexual Seeks GOP Nomination For Minnesota Legislature

by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff

January 29, 2008

(Minneapolis, Minnesota) Chrissy Nakonsky is hoping to become the first transsexual elected to a state legislature.

Nakonsky who was married before she transitioned and remains with her wife has two children. She is seeking the Republican nomination in Brainerd.

"I've voted Republican all my life," Nakonsky told the Star Tribune newspaper. "Republicans swear by not raising taxes, and raising taxes would hurt families in poverty, like mine." . . .Read More

New York's Transsexual Star Alannah Starr challenges gender boundaries

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Hamburger Mary's Concept Coming to Cedar Rapids

The Gazette - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

By David DeWitte, The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Feb. 2--With the slogan "open-air bar and grilles for open-minded people," Cedar Rapids' first restaurant targeting gay, lesbian and transsexual diners will open next month. . . .Read More

Author's new memoir reveals more layers of life as a transsexual

February 03, 2008

Special to The Oregonian

Jennifer Finney Boylan writes memoirs to help readers understand the transsexual experience. It's a difficult topic for most of us to wrap our thoughts around -- especially since we're rarely even aware of the existence of transgendered individuals in our midst.

James Boylan was a talented child raised in privilege along Philadelphia's Main Line. He became both a successful literary novelist and a respected college professor. In his early 40s he came out, to family and friends, as a woman trapped in a man's body. He then proceeded on to a complete change of sexual identity through therapy, hormones and surgery. . . .Read More