Sunday, June 22, 2008

Trans Blog 4: Hormones

Lauren reports on her experience of one year plus on hormones.

He’s Pregnant. You’re Speechless.

Published: June 22, 2008

WHEN Thomas Beatie gives birth in the next few weeks to a baby girl, the blessed event will mark both a personal milestone and a strange and wondrous crossroads in the evolution of American pop culture.

Mr. Beatie — as anyone who has turned on a television, linked to a blog or picked up a tabloid in the last few months is aware — is a married 34-year-old man, born a woman, who managed to impregnate himself last year using frozen sperm and who went public this spring as the nation’s first “pregnant father.” . . .Read More

Transgender Pilot Regains Her Wings

by Renee Baker
EDGE Contributor
Friday Jun 20, 2008

Jamy Spradlin Regains her 2nd Class FAA Medical Certificate, allowing her to fly again
Jamy Spradlin Regains her 2nd Class FAA Medical Certificate, allowing her to fly again
Within two hours of coming out as transgendered to her Human Resources department, corporate jet pilot Jamy Spradlin was put on paid administrative leave. To make matters worse, the Federal Aviation Administration delayed renewing her license to fly for nearly a year while they evaluated her psyche for stability after beginning hormone replacement therapy.

Spradlin is 41 years old now, though she grew up as a biological male. She loves to fly. It’s in her soul and her passion, she says. "I’ve been flying since I was 16. I got bit by the flying bug and have to do it." She says it brings her great peace and great freedom, and she loves to share that with other people.

But her former Dallas-based corporation said no, they did not want a transgender woman flying their executives around the country. Instead of asking how they could help her transition to female, the corporation’s lawyer asked her, "How can we help you transition - away from the company?" Spradlin does not wish to disclose the name of the corporation. . . .Read More

Congress to hold first-ever hearing on transgender discrimination

by Ethan Jacobs
Bay Windows
Saturday Jun 21, 2008

The House Committee on Education and Labor is tentatively scheduled to hold a hearing on employment discrimination against transgender people on June 26 -- the first congressional hearing to focus primarily on transgender issues. The committee’s subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) will hear testimony on the issue.

Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), said the historic hearing will give Congress its first serious look at discrimination around gender identity and expression. She credited subcommittee chairman Rep. Robert Andrews (D-New Jersey) and Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) with pushing for the hearing.

"I think for years [Congress] thought about gender identity as sexual orientation’s little brother, and I think Congressman Andrews and Congressman Frank are right in wanting to focus more on transgender people," said Keisling. . . .Read More